While Town Hall and municipal buildings are physically closed to the public, we are open for
business. Many transactions can be completed online, and we are available via phone and
email to assist during regular business hours. A full Town Directory can be found at
(https://www.hopkintonma.gov/departments/index.php). A box at the front door of Town Hall
may be used to drop off correspondence, applications, etc., and they may also be mailed or
emailed. Parks, Playgrounds and Playing Fields are closed.
As of 11:00 a.m. on 4/10/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 18 total confirmed
COVID-19 cases; 7 of those cases are active, with 11 recoveries and zero deaths. We are now
at the beginning of the anticipated “surge” in the Commonwealth (April 10 – April 20) and based
on the latest models referenced by Governor Baker today, it’s looking more like the peak will be
closer to April 20th. Cases are expected to continue to climb during this time, and local case
numbers may not accurately reflect the infections in our community. The next two weeks will be
critical in stopping the spread. Please stay home, and if you must go out, go out only for what
you need and practice social distancing. Please review the newly released CDC
recommendations for masks posted below.
Hopkinton Public Schools – NEW UPDATE
The Hopkinton School Committee voted on Thursday evening, April 9th, at their regularly
scheduled meeting, to eliminate April Vacation (April 21-24). The last day of school is now
scheduled for June 17, 2020.
Real Estate Tax Extensions – NEW UPDATE
The Town has elected to extend fourth quarter real estate taxes and tax exemption application
due dates to 6/1/2020, in addition to waiving certain fees and interest on late payments. Click
here for more info.
Centralized Job Hub – NEW UPDATE
Massachusetts needs health care and human services professionals to staff healthcare sites
that are being created for COVID-19 patients. You can make a difference by providing aid and
comfort to those in need. There are employment opportunities for a variety of roles at temporary
care sites across the state. There are many paid positions available in both healthcare and
non-healthcare related fields. Find out more at https://www.mass.gov/joincovidteam
Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Resources – NEW UPDATE
Governor Charlie Baker and Lt. Governor Karyn Polito announced expanded services for
anyone not safe at home during the COVID-19 stay-at-home order. SafeLink, the
Commonwealth’s statewide, 24/7, toll-free and confidential domestic violence hotline, is now
also providing support to survivors of sexual assault. Call the SafeLink hotline at (877) 785-2020
to get help and advocacy. Judges are also available 24 hours a day to process restraining
orders. Advocates are available in English and Spanish and can provide translation in more
than 130 languages. If you are experiencing violence within your home or concerned about a
loved one that may be experiencing violence, please call the SafeLink hotline for support and
resources. If you are in immediate danger, please call 9-1-1.
Grocery Stores Social Distancing – NEW UPDATE
The Department of Public Health released further guidance to promote social distancing at
grocery stores. The new guidance requires that each grocery store limit occupancy to 40% of its
maximum permitted occupancy level (except stores with a maximum occupancy of less than 25
people). It also sets out procedures by which staff should monitor occupancy levels. The
guidance builds on a previous March 23 order for grocery stores, which set out policies for
ensuring access to handwashing facilities and protecting employees in higher-risk populations,
among other requirements.
Click here to read the new guidance:
Mental Health Help:
The Coronavirus can cause feelings of stress, loneliness and despair and severely impact
mental health. There are many resources for help. The Centers for Disease Control has
comprehensive information on Stress and Coping.
Hopkinton Youth & Family Services has a resource page for behavioral health, substance use
recovery, and other resources to get help during the crisis that is regularly updated with new
resources. Y&FS Basic Needs Resource Sheet for COVID19 Can’t find what you need?
Contact us. Our office is available to help.
Hopkinton Senior Center staff continue to be available if you have questions, concerns, need
assistance obtaining food or have any other need during this time. Please contact us at
508-497-9730. Leave a message and your call will be returned promptly.
Massachusetts COVID-19 Relief Fund:
On April 6th, 2020, Governor Baker announced the launch of the Massachusetts COVID-19
Relief Fund, which will help support essential frontline workers and vulnerable populations
across the state, including Massachusetts residents and immigrants facing homelessness, food
insecurity, and loss of critical services as a result of the COVID-19 public health crisis.
Donations raised through the Fund will be distributed in partnership with the state’s community
foundations that cover counties statewide and other critical non-profits, ensuring that
Massachusetts communities can benefit from access to this much-needed pool of resources.
CDC Updated Guidance on Wearing Cloth Masks in Public:
On April 3, CDC issued a recommendation about wearing cloth face coverings in public settings.
This recommendation was made after considering recent studies that have shown individuals
with the virus who lack symptoms can transmit the virus to others. CDC recommends wearing
cloth face coverings in public settings including places where social distancing measures are
difficult to maintain (such as grocery stores and pharmacies) especially in areas of significant
community-based transmission.
It is critical to emphasize that the mask recommendation does not replace social distancing,
stay at home measures, and hand washing recommendations that remain in effect. Social
distancing, staying at home except for essential travel, and hand hygiene remain vitally
important to slowing the spread of the virus. Learn more at the CDC website.
Annual Town Meeting & Annual Town Election:
As a reminder, The Select Board voted at its March 17 meeting to delay Hopkinton’s Annual
Town Meeting to June 22, 2020. Additionally the Board consulted with the Town Manager and
Town Clerk at their meeting held on April 7 and has voted to delay the Annual Town Election to
Monday, June 29, 2020 in accordance with the emergency legislation passed by the
Massachusetts General Court and signed by the Governor. The Town Clerk is advising voters
to vote by absentee or early ballot by mail to decrease the number of voters that will be
physically at the polls on election day.
Stay Updated & More Resources:
You can find many resources and more information at www.hopkintonma.gov/covid-19
Hopkinton also posts frequently on social media. Our Twitter is the best place to keep up with
all happenings Hopkinton. You don’t need an account to see our twitter feed:
Complete list of Emergency Orders and Guidance from Mass.gov
Please note – Hopkinton briefings for next week are scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday afternoons. Follow us on twitter for interim updates: https://twitter.com/HopkintonMA