COVID-19 Updates & Precautions May 15, 2020 update

Previous updates and additional information and resources can be found here:

Since February 4, we have seen the world around us change rapidly due to COVID19.
Throughout, your kindness, support, trust, understanding, and responsibility for one another have
reaffirmed why Hopkinton is a special community. Over the past ten weeks, Hopkinton has
shared 31 updates with you and has kept you abreast of the changes and stressed our
commitment to your safety and well-being, while ensuring the continued delivery of services.

Hopkinton was quick to set up a dedicated Covid-19 website with frequently updated resources
and updates. We have offered a number of Virtual Office Hours allowing residents to drop-in and
join a video chat with staff from our Town Manager’s Office, Town Clerk’s Office,
Treasurer/Collector’s Office, and Principal Planner’s Office. Hopkinton now has an online chat
system, accessible from our website pages, to allow for chat with live representatives from our
Treasurer/Collector’s Office, Assessor’s Office, Town Clerk’s Office, with DPW coming online
soon! You’ve already chatted with us over 130 times, and given us a 98% satisfaction rating!
Our commitment to continuing to offer our residents methods to engage with us remains strong.
While our buildings are physically closed, we are open for business. You’ve visited our
Hopkinton’s Community Impact Dashboard over 35,000 times!

As of 11:00 a.m. on 5/14/20, Hopkinton’s Health Department is reporting 105 total confirmed
COVID-19 cases; 27 of those cases are active, with 67 recoveries and 11 deaths.

In the eleven days from 5/3 through 5/14 Hopkinton reported only two new cases of Covid-19.
During this same time period, Hopkinton reported 42 recoveries which brings our active case
cout to the lowest it’s been since 4/19. This is promising news, and does reflect the overall trend
in Massachusetts in recent days. As we move forward and prepare to enter Phase 1 of Governor
Baker’s Four Phase Approach to Reopening Massachusetts, it’s important to continue to wear
your face covering when appropriate, practice social distancing, frequent hand washing, and
good hygiene. While we are trending in the right direction, we aren’t yet out of the woods.

View 4 Step Plan Approach:

Please view the PDF above, for links to COVID-19 Resources.

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