Hopkinton 2020 Annual Town Election

As many may have already heard, the Annual Town Election has been rescheduled by the Hopkinton Select Board to be held on June 29, 2020. The Town Clerk is encouraging EVERYONE to vote absentee or by mail. Absentee ballots may now also be requested by anyone who has a condition that puts them at higher risk of COVID-19. Absentee or Mail-in Early Voting Ballots may be requested by printing out the Absentee or Mail-in Early Voting Ballot Application, completing it with a real signature, and sending it to the Town Clerk’s office by using any of these options:
Scanning and Emailing to townclerk@hopkintonma.gov (smartphone scans are accepted)

Dropping it off in the payment slot at the front entrance of the Town Hall
Mailing to Town of Hopkinton, Town Clerk, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton, MA 01748
If you are not yet registered to vote in Hopkinton, you may register online. The last day to register to vote will be ten days prior to the new election date.

Click following link for Early Vote by Mail Application

Click following link for Absentee Ballot Application

Click following link for to Register to Vote/Check your Registration

We have also created a list of frequently asked questions. If you still have questions or want additional information, please contact the Town Clerk’s office by emailing townclerk@hopkintonma.gov or call at (508) 497-9710 (leave a message if we are unable to answer).

We thank you all for your understanding during these difficult times and hope that you all stay safe and healthy through this ordeal.

Connor B. Degan
Your Town Clerk

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