The summer weather has finally arrived and a lot of us are playing some golf, getting ready for some summer vacationing and some of us have the opportunity to play in some golf fundraising tournaments this summer. I will be directing my 10th Annual Hopkinton High Golf Fundraising Tournament on August 5th @ Hopkinton C.C.
It will be a 1:00PM Shot Gun Start followed by a great dinner, awards and a raffle presentation in the HCC function room immediately after the golf tournament. We have some great giveaways at registration and some awesome live auction and many awesome raffle prizes. Many of you have played in this tournament in the past and I appreciate you coming back and playing and donating to our golf program hopefully again this year. All funds raised from the tournament go to help the Hopkinton Golf Team program. We have many expenses that the HHS Athletic Department is unable to fund.
The Hopkinton CC is only available on Tuesday’s and Wednesday’s for our golf program. We need to practice and pay greens fees at other golf clubs and use other golf ranges for our practices. That becomes very expensive during our season. We play and pay for practice rounds at Team and Individual State Tournament. The funds also pay for our annual senior celebration night, our annual end of the season banquet and any extra golf equipment that we might need during the season. The cost of the golf, golf carts and dinner has been the same from the first year I started the tournament @ 150.00 per person or $600 for your foursome.
We will limit the field to 144 players and we are about half filled at the present time. So I hope you’ll get your foursome together and submit your entry into me ASAP or if you would just like to sponsor a hole that would be greatly appreciated. All the information is in the ATTACHMENT above this email.
Enjoy the rest of your summer with family and friends and I hope to see you at our Annual Tournament once again on August 5th. Thanks for your support!
Coach Dick Bliss