Hi all- a reminder that the 19th annual student run Turkey Drive is next week. Ethan Kramer (ekramer@hillers.org) and Kevin Sullivan (kfsullivan@hillers.org) are co-leading the drive this year. They will happily accept grocery store gift cards or cash (that I will change into grocery store cards). I will take any grocery store cards collected to the Salvation Army on the morning of November 15th (unless you would like to earmark your donation for Project Just Because here in town – we try to support their needs too). Thanks! For giving!
Monday November 13, students will collect from 7-7:30 & from 2-3 at the Middle School, from 3:30-5 at Elmwood, and from 3-4 at Hopkins.
Tuesday November 14, students will collect from 7-7:30 at the Middle School, from 2-3 at the High School, from 3:30-5 at Elmwood, and from 3-4 at Hopkins.
Wednesday November 15, students will collect from 7-7:30 at the Middle School, from 2-3 at the High School, from 3:30-5 at Elmwood, and from 3-4 at Hopkins.