20 Applications Received for Chief of Police Position

Hopkinton is getting closer to completing the search process for its next Police Chief. The Police Chief Selection Committee is pleased to announce the Town received 20 applications for the position at the close of the application period, October 18, 2013.

“We are excited about the strong interest in the position from high quality internal and external candidates from throughout the New England States. I look forward to the Committee screening the candidates and then beginning the interviews for this important hire for the community,” said Bob Levenson, Chair of the Police Chief Selection Committee.

The Committee will begin preliminary screening and evaluating the applications this coming week to identify and select candidates to be interviewed in November.

“During the last two months, the Committee has been meeting regularly, carefully planning and preparing for this critical phase of the hiring process,” added Mr. Levenson.

The committee’s work included designing an application process, preparing a community profile and position description. It will also be seeking input from different stakeholders as it creates interview questions and themes for a candidate assessment center.

The Police Chief position opened up when former Chief Richard Flannery retired at the end of June, 2013. The Board of Selectmen appointed Chuck Wallace as Interim Chief. Members of the search committee, appointed by the Selectmen, are Bob Levenson, Hopkinton resident and chair of the Committee, Boarf of Selectmen Chair John Mosher , Holliston Police Chief John Moore, Director of Human Resources Deborah Hilton-Creek and Town Manager Norman Khumalo

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