December 2012


Donations for Alyson Geary

The HPTA is taking donations from parents and members in honor of Alyson Geary. The Hopkinton High School principal will be leaving for a new job at the end of


Donations for Alyson Geary

The HPTA is taking donations from parents and members in honor of Alyson Geary. The Hopkinton High School principal will be leaving for a new job at the end of


Donations for Alyson Geary

The HPTA is taking donations from parents and members in honor of Alyson Geary. The Hopkinton High School principal will be leaving for a new job at the end of


Moment of Silence for Newtown

Dear Hopkinton Residents & Town Employees: I am forwarding a message from Governor Patrick regarding a planned moment of silence at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow morning (12/21/2012) to remember the twenty-six

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