Representative Carolyn Dykema and Senator Jamie Eldridge, co-chairs of the Water Infrastructure Finance Commission, joined Representative Russell Holmes and Foundation for a Green Future Inc. were the co-hosts at the 2013 Massachusetts Water Forum at the State House held on Friday, March 22 in honor of United Nations World Water Day.
Legislators, exhibitors and sponsors were on hand for the day-long forum that explored how leaders can inform their constituencies and contribute to the state’s long-term water resiliency. The event was held in honor of United Nations World Water Day and the work begun at the forum will continue through a series of follow-up sessions and events throughout the year.
“World Water Day is a great day to reflect on Massachusetts’ long, proud history of caring for our precious water resources,” said Representative Carolyn Dykema. “It’s also a time to recommit ourselves to investments, innovation, and policy that will strengthen our water infrastructure and protect our natural waters far into the future. Today’s events reminded us all that we have a responsibility to our children: to safeguard our most basic, human need – water – and the systems that supply and protect it.”
“I am proud to join in the celebration of World Water Day Water Day today to highlight the importance freshwater plays in our everyday lives,” said Senator Jamie Eldridge. “Government at home and abroad, plays a key role in providing access to freshwater and overseeing the management of freshwater resources. These are issues that I have worked on very closely through my work on the Water Infrastructure Finance Commission (WIFC) that led to legislation I filed this session that will overhaul and upgrade our state’s water systems.”
Two key topics explored during the forum were Emerging Water Innovation and Priorities for Massachusetts and Accounting for Water Capital in Massachusetts and Policy Recommendations. Speakers included Fred Laskey, Executive Director, MWRA; Greg Watson, Commissioner of Agriculture; Martin Pillsbury, Environmental Director, MAPC; and Phil Griffiths, Undersecretary for Environment.
In addition, there was an interactive program for students in grades 7-12 that will focus on water priorities and action steps and an exhibit viewing showing a range of water related organizations.
“When we celebrate life, we celebrate water. This is where life begins and this is what maintains all life,” said Dr. Karen L. Weber, Executive Director of Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. “The world is headed towards very complicated times regarding water and the more we are able to show good stewardship for our water locally, the better Massachusetts can be a partner globally. In honor of World Water Day, the Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. is proud to be working with legislators, elected officials, schools, and interested parties, both for-profit and nonprofit, to have a discussion that we hope will lead to concrete sustainable actions.”
During her remarks, Rep. Dykema highlighted the legislative package she filed based on final recommendations of the Water Infrastructure Finance Commission including:
- Creation of a 10-year Water Infrastructure Bond to fund local drinking water, wastewater and storm water improvements;
- Defining and establishing guidelines for best management practices in long-term planning and financing;
- Promoting innovative water technologies; and
- Conducting a feasibility study relative to implementing watershed based permitting.
The Water Infrastructure Finance Commission (WIFC) was charged with developing a comprehensive, long-range water infrastructure finance plan for the commonwealth and its municipalities following two years of research, public hearings and meetings.
Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. is a Boston-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to providing environmentally focused programs to the Greater Boston community. Throughout the year, we run a series of programs focused on greening our urban spaces through gardening, green roofs and living walls. We also provide green jobs training and promote environmentally friendly business practices. Foundation for a Green Future, Inc. works with local schools, community centers, and neighborhood organizations to educate young and old about the many dimensions of green technologies and design interactive curricula to suit their needs.
World Water Day is held annually on 22 March as a means of focusing attention on the importance of freshwater and advocating for the sustainable management of freshwater resources. An international day to celebrate freshwater was recommended at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). The United Nations General Assembly responded by designating 22 March 1993 as the first World Water Day.