2014 Town Warrant Is Available

The 2014 Annual Town Meeting warrant as signed and set by the Selectmen on Tuesday is available to be downloaded.

Please also see our Town Meeting webpage at www.hopkintonma.gov and clicking on “Town Meeting.” You will see a portal titled “Supporting Documents” that will take you to a folder with all Town Meeting and FY15 Budget materials. The Town will continue to update this space with documents for Town Meeting, slides, presentations, Appropriation Committee recommendations and an Article Tracker spreadsheet with all votes and positions by the Selectmen and Town Meeting. Please check back for all your town meeting info!

As always, if you have questions, please let me know.

Warm regards,

Jamie Hellen
Operations Assistant to the Town Manager’s Office
Town of Hopkinton
18 Main Street
Hopkinton, MA 01748
Phone: 508-497-9700
Email: jhellen@hopkintonma.gov
Web: www.hopkintonma.gov

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