2020 Tentative Roadwork Notice

As we approach the start of our roadway resurfacing season I would like to thank the residents of Hopkinton for their continued support of our Pavement Management Program. We had a very successful 2019 season and plan to continue that in 2020 as funding allows. Each street that is on this year’s list has been inspected and evaluated to determine which treatment method is best based on its current condition. This will help ensure that we are maximizing the use of our roadwork funding.

Work is tentatively scheduled to begin in mid July. We will post updated construction dates as we move forward with each project.

Under the Town of Hopkinton’s Road Opening Permit Policy, No permit will be granted for a period of 5 years on newly paved streets except in the case of an emergency. If you are considering any utility work on any of the listed streets work must be completed by July 6th, 2020.

Here is a list of streets that are currently scheduled to be resurfaced this year.
Claflin St – Full length Clydesdale Ln – Full length Elm St – From Lumber St Ext to dead end. Palomino Dr – Full length. Wedgewood Dr – Full length.
Once work begins on each project please expect delays, seek alternate routes when possible and plan accordingly. Please do not park on the street as this will interfere with the scheduled roadwork. The DPW appreciates your patience and cooperation during this 2020 construction season.

Mike Mansir
Highway Manager

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