Hopkinton is celebrating its 300th Birthday this year! As part of the celebration, we would like to create a Time Capsule which will be opened in 50 years. We hope you will participate in this exciting project by writing a letter to your future self. Please put your letter in an envelope addressed to yourself and come to the Scavenger Hunt tent at the Light Up the Night Celebration Picnic on Saturday, September 12, 2015 from 4 pm – dusk behind the Hopkinton Middle School to mail it.
You may write anything you wish to your future self. Please remember to sign and date your letter! You may include a photo if you wish.
If you need ideas, please use our Anniversary theme, “Celebrating our Past, Embracing our Present, and Inspiring our Future” as inspiration.
To help you with your letter, the Hopkinton 300th Anniversary Celebration Committee has created detailed instructions by student grade levels.
For instructions for students in Grades K-1, visit http://goo.gl/YSJTmg
For instructions for students in Grades 2-5, visit http://goo.gl/7enoSZ
http://media.wix.com/ugd/b1d13a_24e304a2728541c1a8db1532eee2e580.pdfFor students in grades 6-12, visit http://goo.gl/EOkHTr
Good luck! We hope to hear from you! Any questions about the project should be emailed to 300@hopkintonma.gov.