Jean Scarlata, who retired this past fall, was on hand as the Selectman honored, Louie Mongiat, who retired after 46 years of service to the town. Louie started with the Highway Department in 1968. He moved over to the water department and also was on call for emergencies for the sewer department. Louie also worked many years as an on call Fire Fighter. He truly embodied the spirit of helping out any and all departments and any citizen he encountered. He was a member of the Marathon Committee and was a prominent figure involved in the painting of the starting line each year. Louie took over the duties of his late friend, Cookie Kumlin, and made sure the Dough Boy Statue and the war veterans memorials were taken care of each year. Louie is best known as the guy who ”Knows where everything is”. If you need to know where a pipe is buried, where a drain discharges to, or where a rarely used spare part was, you asked. Louie and he always knew.
His Co-Workers wished him the best of luck and his union members presented him with custom DPW jacket. Louie plans to remain active in his bowling league and he still stops by to visit at the Wood Street garage.