A Message from Chief Clark

Your Public Safety Agencies and the DPW would like your support and cooperation in the following area(s); we strongly recommend that all residences with natural gas, propane and oil fired appliances insure that all make up air, vent pipes and flues at grade level are free of snow. Insure Carbon Monoxide detectors are functioning and be aware that exposure to Carbon Monoxide can produce flu-like symptoms such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, confusion and fainting. Please call 911 if you need assistance with locating and or clearing these devices. If able, check in with your neighbors who may need assistance. The Governor’s Vehicular Travel Ban was lifted at midnight on 27 January. To allow our DPW the opportunity to efficiently clean our roadways please insure that all vehicles are secured off the roadways and do not push, blow or throw snow into the roadways. While the storm appears to be winding down its affects are far from over. Due to the extreme amount of snow we received during this historic blizzard, many of our roads have become very narrow, snow banks at intersections are very high and difficult to see around, sidewalks are buried under several feet of snow, and many roads are covered by a thick snow pack. DPW crews will be working on all of these operational issues over the coming days. As always dial 911 for any emergencies and access the Town of Hopkinton website at www.hopkintonma.gov/emergency for additional information. Thank you for your continued support.

Ken Clark
Fire Chief / Emergency Management Director

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