Absentee Ballots for the May 16, 2016 Town Election are now available at the Town Clerk’s Office. Absentee ballots are for those registered voters who will be unable to vote at the polls on election day due to: (1) absence from town during normal polling hours; or (2) physical disability preventing you from going to the polling place; or (3) religious belief.
You may vote at the Town Clerk’s Office or request that the ballot be mailed to you. The deadline to apply for an absentee ballot is noon Friday, May 13, 2016. Absentee ballot applications are available in the Town Clerk’s Office or on the Town Clerk’s website.
The Hopkinton Town Meeting Warrant and the Specimen Ballot for the Town Election are on the home page of the town website. You may also verify your voter registration status or download an absentee ballot request form via links on the Town’s website: www.hopkintonma.gov and follow the link for Election Information. Please contact our office at 508-497-9710 with any questions.