Ali Balster & Mara Power Raising Funds for Friends of Hopkinton SPEAC

What makes these women special? Well, for starters, they’re both Moms and they are raising money for special education. The two have been training and fundraising for the past several months. Not an easy task considering the harsh winter and taking care of their (combined) five young children (ages 2-8).

It’s wonderful to see these women working together as a team, rather than two individual runners.

The money they raise will go towards special education programs, as well as providing scholarships to graduating Hopkinton High School seniors that have received special education services during their school years.

Please join SPEAC in wishing our runners good luck on Marathon Monday and consider helping Ali and Mara meet their fundraising goal by visiting their donation page.

Contributed by:
Sue Lallier
Treasurer, Friends of Hopkinton SPEAC

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