St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Hopkinton invites its neighbors and friends to take part in the following reflective and spiritual Holy Week and Easter services:
Palm/Passion Sunday Sunday, April 9
10:00 a.m. A dramatic presentation with choral readers and congregation.
Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 13
7:00 pm Holy Eucharist with the Stripping of the Altar
The Festival of Easter Sunday, April 16
10:00 a.m. A musical and jubilant service celebrating the most important and joyous event in the Christian calendar.
St. Paul’s is located at 61 Wood Street (Rte 135) in Hopkinton.
The mission of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church is to minister unconditionally to all in the name of Christ through shared worship, teaching, healing, and service. For more information call the church office at 508-435-4536 or visit