Another Endorsement for Karen Spilka

IBEW Local 1505, representing over 2,500 electrical workers throughout the state has endorsed Karen Spilka for Congress.

“I am proud to have earned the support of the electrical workers from Local 1505,” said Karen Spilka. “These men and women work hard every single day and if elected to Congress I will always put the interests of Massachusetts’ working families first.”

In Congress, Karen will fight for funding to restore and update our electrical grid, thereby creating jobs and improving public safety, especially during severe weather. She will work to bring investments to the Fifth District to help small business and the tech industry thrive. And Karen knows that the best way to grow our economy is by supporting working families and ensuring they have access to good-paying, sustainable jobs.

“Karen Spilka has been an extraordinarily effective legislator in the Massachusetts Senate and we know she will make a terrific Member of Congress,” added David Johnson, Business Manager for Local 1505. “She has been a non-stop fighter for working families and has always been someone we can count on to get things done. Karen understands how to help our local economy continue to grow and we know that she will make creating jobs her central priority in Washington. Her ideas to update our country’s electrical grid are exactly what our country needs and would put people to work.”

Karen Spilka has already received the support of the Central Massachusetts AFL-CIO as well as the endorsement of the Laborers’ Local 22 from Malden and Laborers’ Local 609 from Framingham.

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