Arts Article

Scene In Hopkinton
Hello, welcome to HCAM Insights. Did you know that Hopkinton’s Community Television Station has a sister website called: Scene In Hopkinton dot org? This site hosts online photo albums of everyday life and events in our community. Town residents have contributed thousands of photos of school events, holiday happenings, storms, and… just about everything else that happens in town. So far, we’ve had over 55 thousand views of the photos, so if you haven’t been there, check it out. And think about sending in your own scene.

Social Media
Hello, welcome to HCAM Insights. Did you know that Hopkinton’s Community Television Station is on social media? You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or X, and of course YouTube. We’re connected with over ten thousand people across our social media, so be sure to connect with us to see all the latest news, events, and programming updates for HCAM-TV and HCAM-ED. I don’t know how to use half the gadgets there, but everyone else around here does. So check it out, and like us today.

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