The FBI is the lead law enforcement agency responsible for investigating the bombings at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013. Providing information and assistance to victims of these crimes is part of that work. Crimes can have a devastating effect on victims, as well as their families who may need assistance coping with the impact of the victimization.
The FBI is legally mandated to identify victims of federal crimes that it investigates and provide these victims with information, assistance services, and resources. The FBI’s Office for Victim Assistance (OVA) is uniquely suited to provide emergency assistance to victims of domestic and international terrorism and mass violence crimes due to its national and international scope and extensive experience in responding to more than 13,000 victims of these crimes.
If you were injured or witnessed the Boston Marathon bombings, you may have access to resources and rights. Some resources include special funding to provide emergency assistance, crimes compensation, and counseling. Additional information about these resources can be found at website links listed below. If you have not spoken to a FBI victim specialist, please contact the FBI Office for Victim Assistance at or call the FBI Victim Assistance Call Center at 1-800-331-0075.
Electronic Versions of Key Resources:
Coping After Terrorism for Injured Survivors | Printable version (pdf)
Practical Ideas for Coping with Trauma
Help for Victims of Crime Brochure | Printable version (pdf)
For Children:
Children and Youth-SAMHSA Disaster Behavioral Health Information Series Installment
Additional Resources:
Massachusetts Crimes Compensation
Massachusetts Attorney General’s Office
Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance
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