Athletic Field Report

Dear Hopkinton Community,

This report is offered as an update to the preventative maintenance that was planned for this past summer, the unexpected challenges the department had to overcome, the efforts to resolve problems on fields 3 and 10, and long range plans for the upkeep of the Hopkinton Public Schools Athletic Fields.

We identified several well and irrigation issues last year and projected repairs through the FY17 budget process. This past summer we contracted out for repairs to all 5 irrigation wells that ranged from control issues to full pump and pipe replacement. Due to the severe drought and excessive heat conditions combined with the above mentioned repairs, the athletic fields have suffered over the past summer. As a result two of the game fields were placed temporarily out of play for the beginning of the season. After identifying problems with fields 3 and 10, these fields were placed on a prioritized watering cycle. Additionally the fields were rolled, aeravated, seeded and fertilized. Within a week, the fields began to recover but not to the extent that the district deemed acceptable for safe playing conditions. In our ongoing efforts to salvage the fields for the remainder of the season, we have consulted with a sports turf expert specializing in athletic fields for additional advice on remediation. He has agreed to work with us in the short term to perform core aeration, top dressing, seeding and fertilization. We will have an irrigation contractor who also specializes in athletic fields do more remedial work including checking and replacing heads. We continue to be hopeful that these efforts will result in completing the season on home fields.

Moving forward we are planning a more aggressive maintenance program for our fields to include budgeting for a maintenance contract for identified game fields to insure the quality of the fields. The Athletic complex consists of 13 fields that encompass over 20 acres. The irrigation system for the complex consists of 5 wells, 104 zones and 520 heads. In re-assessing the challenges we have faced this season, it has become increasingly apparent that additional resources are required to maintain our Athletic Fields at the level that meets district and community expectations.

Al Rogers
Director of Buildings and Grounds

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