Attention All Runners!

I have an idea and need your help. I own a home a few houses down from the start of the Boston Marathon and I am running this year. I am going to build a running shoe structure to celebrate the life of my friend Meg Menzies. I am asking runners from around the world to send me a pair of your old running shoes and on the bottom of the shoes write where you are from (city, state or country). I will start the structure as soon as i get a couple of dozen shoes and will add every pair I get between now and april 21st. You can send them to Kel Kelly, 14 Cedar Street, Hopkinton, MA, 01748. Please start sending them now so we can have a profound, growing structure in honor of Meg. As all the runners line up on April 21st, Meg will be a visible, palpable presence standing tall. Leave a comment at Meg’s Miles If you plan to join in this initiative and let us know where you are from. Please share this post with all your runner friends. Note: my friend at the 26.2 Foundation will find a worthy cause to donate the shoes to after the race.

Also, Ginny and I are looking for volunteers to help build a structure to celebrate the life of a mother of three young children who was killed by a drunk driver while on a Boston Marathon training run. The response to the running shoe idea at the start of the marathon has been overwhelming and illuminates the best of humanity. we are expecting a minimum of 1,000 and possibly up to 10,000 running shoes to be sent to our home in Hopkinton starting this week. We will start building the memorial next weekend on Saturday and Sunday, February 1st & 2nd. We need help getting the shoes from 14 Cedar Street to a spot near the start. We are looking for each volunteer to find as many people as possible to bring with them and possibly spend an hour on one of those days. I will be available all 48 hours to help and direct. we will take as many volunteers as we can get. please email me at if you can do it. It will take a village to pull this off. I believe in the goodness and love that lives in people’s hearts and know we will get the volunteers we need. Kids are welcome! PLEASE SHARE THIS POST! #megsmiles

Kel Kelly