“Dear Hopkinton” is a town-wide photo project to celebrate Hopkinton’s 300th Anniversary. Modeled after the “Dear World” project created by Robert Fogarty “Dear Hopkinton” allows residents to share their special message about Hopkinton through a photograph. Residents may participate individually or as a group by writing personal notes to Hopkinton. These messages can be a personal statement, messages for our future generations, or something you love about our great town. The messages are written in black (erasable) marker on the subject’s arms and then creatively posed for the photo.
The photos will be complied into a large mosaic mural with a 300 image and be donated to the town for display at a designated location for all community members to enjoy. Individual photos will be made available free of charge as well.
Due to the overwhelming response to this project at the “Light up the Night” 300th Anniversary celebration, and the incredibly powerful photographs taken by our volunteer photographers that night and at subsequent photo shoots, we are hoping to capture some more memories and include as many residents as possible.
While we are hoping to offer a few more photo sessions, we would like to gauge community interest before scheduling additional photo shoots in order to make the best use of our volunteer photographers’ time. If you are interested in having your picture taken, please email 300@hopkintonma.gov and let us know.
This is an opportunity of a lifetime to share your memories and feelings about Hopkinton as we celebrate 300 years and to get a professional portrait free of charge to preserve your participation in Hopkinton’s 300th Anniversary!