The Boys Cross Country team pulled off a big win in their first meet of the season against Westwood on Wednesday, September 4 with Hopkinton at 19 and Westwood at 44. Top three runners for Hopkinton were Kyle Driscoll, Evan Park, and Jack Cote.
According to Coach Fairbanks, the times were slow for a few reasons; 1) it was a 3.1 mile course which is longer than what the team is used to, 2) the Hillers didn’t run until 5pm, 3) it was the first day of school, and 4) the course is easy to get lost on.
“But, using that all as a learning experience, I predict the times will only get better,” said Fairbanks in a team email.
Complete results are attached.
To see results from all teams, visit the TVL website.