The Board of Appeals met Wednesday, September 10th at 7pm. The original agenda called for public hearings of 68 East Main St, Lumber St/Hopkinton Mews, and 26 Lake Shore Drive. However, two requests for continuances were made. The property owner of 68 East Main St requested that her hearing be moved to December. Hopkinton Mews requested a continuance until September 24th, but the board saw that this meeting would be held at the start of Rosh Hashanah. The board voted to move this and all other public hearings scheduled for the 24th to October 8th.
The Board then moved on to the only public hearing of the night, for 26 Lake Shore Drive. The homeowners submitted plans to add a second floor to the house. The only concern for the board was the lot itself, which is noncompliant under current zoning laws. However, the house was built before the 1954 zoning laws were introduced, as were the properties on either side.
Given that the houses’ construction preceded the initiation of zoning laws and that the construction requested did not further expand the house onto the lot, the board saw little issue with the request. A neighbor requested that should any construction take place that the builders be mindful of the lake and what went into it. The board then approved the request.
The Board will resume public hearings on Wednesday, October 8th, leaving the 24th free in observance of Rosh Hashanah.