On Thursday, November 13th, the Board of Assessors met to discuss a number of issues for the upcoming tax season.
They first briefly discussed two properties that will be up for sale that the town is considering purchasing. The Richards and Coolidge properties have expressed an intent to sell, and the town might consider purchasing these properties.
Then, town manager Norman Khumalo gave the board an update on the search for a principal assessor. Mr. Khumalo said that the new assessor will be from the town of Hopedale. She has to finish up her term as assessor for that town, which will culminate in a special town meeting in December. After that meeting, Mr. Khumalo said, she will be ready to start working for Hopkinton.
The board then moved to address two major issues for the upcoming tax season. The first was a recap update, where the updated assessments for homes and businesses were discussed. There will be a projected $1.7 million in growth, largely from Legacy Farms and Legacy Farms South, Hunter’s Ridge, and Golden Pond. Rates were adjusted for condos and multifamily homes, largely due to a change in land assessment. Those who prepared the recap noted that the success of the project was due both to Mr. Bushway’s work before he left, and to the collaborative efforts of those left after he resigned his position.
Most of the assessors meeting was spent reading and signing veteran’s and CPA exemptions. As Ms. LaFreniere, the board’s vice chair, explained, veterans and the disabled apply for exemptions on their taxes. They must reapply every year, and the applications must be reviewed annually to approve the exemptions. Most were approved quickly, though with the number of applications, the process took nearly an hour.
The Board of Assessors will hold a special meeting next Tuesday, November 18th, in the fire station conference room on the 2nd floor.