BOH Adopts Policy to Mitigate Risk

The Hopkinton Board of Health, at its meeting of August 28, 2019, adopts the following policy, effective immediately:

Policy to Mitigate the Risk from Mosquito-Borne Illness

Consistent with M.G.L. c.111, s.31. 2., for local Boards of Health to adopt and enforce
any reasonable health regulations and State Sanitary Code, Chapter 1, 105 CMR
400.200(B), pursuant to M.G.L. c.111, s.127A; and State Environmental Code, Title I,
310 CMR 11.05(1), which authorizes local Boards of Health the ability to issue an order
reciting the existence of an emergency and requiring that such action be taken as the
board deems necessary to meet the emergency, when the Massachusetts Department
of Public Health (MDPH) elevates the Eastern Equine Encephalitis, West Nile Virus or
other mosquito-borne illness risk rating to High or Critical and strongly recommends the
avoidance of outdoor activity to avoid peak mosquito hours (dusk to dawn) the
Hopkinton Board of Health prohibits any outdoor municipally organized, sponsored or
permitted events or activities between dusk and dawn.

Dusk and dawn are defined in accordance with the description and table provided


The types of mosquitoes most likely to transmit EEE infection are likely to be out
searching for food (an animal to bite) at dusk, the time period between when the sun
sets and it gets completely dark. The exact timing of this increased activity is influenced
by many factors including temperature, cloud cover, wind and precipitation and cannot
be predicted precisely for any given day. Here, the approximate time of sunset and
sunrise were used to establish standardized recommendations for cancellation and
morning start times of outdoor activities during periods of high EEE risk. This does not
eliminate risk nor does it alleviate the need for the use of repellents or clothing for
protection from mosquitoes.

Week of Time of Dusk Time of Dawn:

Week of Time of Dusk Time of Dawn
August 25, 2019 7:30 PM 5:45 AM
September 1, 2019 7:30 PM 5:45 AM
September 8, 2019 7:15 PM 5:45 AM
September 15, 2019 7:00 PM 6:00 AM
September 22, 2019 6:45 PM 6:00 AM
September 29, 2019 6:30 PM 6:15 AM
October 6, 2019 6:30 PM 6:15 AM
October 13, 2019 6:15 PM 6:30 AM
October 20 2019 6:00 PM 6:30 AM
October 27, 2019 6:00 PM 6:45 AM

Adapted from 2019 Arbovirus Surveillance and Response Plan at

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