Boy Scout Troop 4 Pancake Breakfast on April 1st

Boy Scout Troop 4 of Hopkinton will hold its Annual Pancake Breakfast on Saturday April 1st from 7:30am until 11:00am at St. John the Evangelist Church Hall, 20 Church St, Hopkinton. The scouts will serve original, chocolate chip, and gluten/dairy/nut free pancakes! Breakfast includes sausage, juice, coffee, and more. While you’re there, take time to bid on the amazing silent auction items donated by our generous sponsors! General admission is $6 (advanced purchase from local scouts), $8 (at the door), senior citizens $4, and veterans eat free. Proceeds from the Pancake Breakfast will fund high adventure trips for Troop 4 scouts including hiking in our National Parks and camping and outdoor adventure opportunities. Your support helps to provide Hopkinton youth with a quality scouting experience that develops future leaders and strengthens our community. If you have questions, please reach out to us at

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