Elmwood Principal David Ljungberg released statement about Monday Morning Break in;
“At approximately 3:00 a.m., the Elmwood School security alarm was triggered. Our alarm company alerted the Hopkinton Police Dept. and one of the on-call Hopkinton Public Schools Maintenance crew. HPD responded along with the mutual aid of surrounding community police departments (Ashland, Southborough, Westborough, and Upton), within five minutes. Upon arrival to the building, HPD secured a perimeter and located two male juveniles outside of the school building. HPD and mutual aid conducted a thorough search of the entire building, declaring that it was safe and clear. The two alleged perpetrators (both teenage residents of Worcester), were taken into custody. Two stolen laptops, which were found in the possession of the juveniles in a duffle bag, were logged as evidence. There were no other signs of theft or vandalism in or outside of the school building or on school property.
After investigating the intruders’ point of entry, it was quickly determined that a side door to the school gymnasium had been latched shut, but left unlocked. Fortunately, our alarm system worked as it is designed to do, and was able to pick up the intrusion as it occurred. I have carefully examined and reviewed our protocols for securing our building during non-school hours with Superintendent MacLeod and the Hopkinton Public School’s Director of Buildings and Grounds. I am confident that our security protocols are consistent and safe, and that the door was left unlocked accidentally. All doors will be double-checked to help ensure that no doors are left unlocked during weekend hours and other non-building use operational time.”