Dear Friends,
This past month has been quite a challenging time for our community, our country, and our world.
We believe that our words of poetry and story, when shared, can serve to empower and uplift us.
Therefore, we would like to invite community to submit poems for the project Hopkinton & Beyond – Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times.
This project will invite those interested to submit poetry (original or favorite poems by others) as well as stories recorded on phones by residents and friends of Hopkinton.
You are welcome to invite your friends from near and far to submit as well.
We are asking for submissions of poems and stories that offer hope and reinforce the feeling of resilience and optimism among us in contrast to so much bad news.
All poems and true stories submitted will be reviewed and selected for possible airing/publishing on our website (, and on HCAM-TV (located in Hopkinton, MA),
We will follow-up with details to get these poems and stories from you in written form as well, for consideration of later compiling for an anthology of hope we would like to eventually create.
We are living in a unique time in our history. We would like to use the project to help lift spirits as one community with words of hope that can be shared from our home and Cable TV Station in Hopkinton and out to the world beyond as well. Send submissions via email to
Virtual Hugs,
Cheryl Perreault and Cynthia Franca
Coordinators of Hopkinton & Beyond- Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times Project
*Submission Guidelines:
Theme: “Words of Hope that Connect and Inspire Us”
Please, submit as soon as possible. We need hope to uplift our spirits!
1-3 poems can be submitted
Or submit a true story from life experience or observation that offers hope.
Poems and stories should be recorded in Video (.MOV) with maximum of 3 minutes, using your phone.
The file should be sent to email, with the subject: Hopkinton – Words of Hope.
Please also include your name and maybe a sentence telling folks something about yourself and why you are sharing this particular poem or story.
Submissions will be considered for sharing and inspiring community viewers near and far on our website,
Submissions will also be considered for posting on HCAM-TV programming, and social media.