Dear Friends of Wake Up And Smell The Poetry
During these days of pandemic/quarantine my friend Cynthia Franca and I have been working on collecting poems and stories for a community-minded anthology that might serve to promote a sense of hope for facing challenging times like this current 2020 pandemic.
We have received quite a few submissions but I would like to send out one more reminder to this email list as invitation to all of you who have participated
in past programs of Wake Up And Smell The Poetry.
The deadline for submissions is May 30th.
Might you have an original poem or story to share that could serve to offer hope and inspire others ? If interested, please take a look at the submission guidelines below.
Take good care each day.
Cheryl Perreault
*Submission Guidelines:
Theme: “Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times”
Please, submit original poems and true stories/prose/anecdotes by Saturday, May 30th.
1-3 poems may be submitted per person.
Stories from life experience or observation that offer hope of 500 words or less.
The file should be sent to email, with the subject: Hopkinton – Words of Hope.
Please also include your name and a sentence or two about yourself and why you are sharing this particular poem or story.
Submissions will be considered for inclusion in a published anthology.
Submissions will also be considered for posting on HCAM-TV programming and social media.
More information is available on the website . website
I understand that, in submitting my work, it may be selected for publication in “Hopkinton & Beyond – Words of Hope that Connect Us in Challenging Times project”.
In submitting my work, I attest that the work I am submitting is my own work original and not published anywhere else and I hold the rights to this work.