Cancer Care Items Needed for MLK Day of Giving Back

In preparation for the Martin Luther King Day of Giving Back, St. Paul’s Episcopal Church and Grace United Methodist Church will be collecting items for 100 Cancer Care packages at their shared facilities at 61 Wood Street in Hopkinton. Collection hours are Tuesdays – Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon, now through Thursday, January 17th.

St. Paul’s Episcopal and Grace Methodist are specifically looking for lip balm, hand or body lotion (for sensitive skin, chemical free), small stuffed animals, puzzle or activity books for any age, and fuzzy socks of any size. These items will be used to create Cancer Care packages during the Martin Luther King Day of Giving Back events on January 21st. The Cancer Care program is being done in conjunction with Project Just Because.

“We are pleased to be taking part again in the MLK Day of Giving Back, which is a wonderful opportunity for the community to support volunteer service,” said Nancy Jennison, chair of St. Paul’s Mission Outreach Committee. “Decorating and filling these Cancer Care bags is a fun and fulfilling activity that benefits everyone involved. However, in order to meet our goal of filling 100 bags we need the necessary supplies, which is why we are asking the community for help.”

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