Candidate Statement: Frank D’Urso

Hello neighbors,

I’m Frank D’Urso and I’m running for School Committee.

I’m a Quality Assurance Engineer with 25+ years of high-tech experience. I have a Master of Management degree from Cambridge College, my undergraduate degree is from Northeastern University.

You might remember me from the effort to defeat the school district plan and the Fruit Street elementary school project. I was outspoken in opposition to those plans, and thankfully most of the town felt the same way and we prevailed, but not without a lot of hard work and many volunteers working together.

I was appointed to the Keefe Regional Technical School Committee last year and have learned much in that position. I’m always looking for ways that Keefe students can be more involved in the community.

The Landscape Design program at Keefe is interested in the Middle School courtyard renovation project, a privately funded idea that the Middle School Vice Principal presented to HopGreen last March. I’ve also gotten Keefe students involved with the park renovation at North Mill. I’d like to bridge a connection between the school districts.

Proper maintenance and care must be applied to our school buildings. A year ago at Special Town Meeting we were shown many slides of problems at Center School. In 2011, as a candidate for Selectman, I asked to see the wiring problem in the computer lab. I had intended to provide professional quality wire management systems. After a couple of weeks former Principal Parsons gave me a tour, and the wiring problem had been resolved – they had an electrician run additional outlets. This solution, I was told, only cost around $600. Are all building problems this easy and affordable to fix? Maybe not, but a YEAR after being shown these problems (as a reason to build an entirely new school) and not many of these issues have been addressed.

We’re going to be asked next fall to fund expensive repairs to Center and Elmwood schools. If elected I will work to help build in better maintenance and repair budgets.

I’ve been on the Sustainable Green Committee since 2008. HopGreen earned the “Green Community” designation from the state, and received over $140K in grants that have been applied to improvements to school buildings that have already saved >$100K. I’ve been working with the School Administration to find a location in town to park the 25 bus fleet. Currently, we pay for the extra fuel to Ashland and lose out on the excise taxes. We could save over $100K a year parking the bus fleet in Hopkinton.

I also volunteer on the Conservation Commission, Assistant Leader of Cub Scout Pack 26, coach Little League and Soccer, and hopefully, an assistant Football coach this fall.

My wife Emily and I have lived in Hopkinton for 13 years. Our children love their schools. Frankie is in the 3rd grade at Elmwood, Lucy is in Kindergarten at Center School.

I’d appreciate your vote May 21.

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