Candidate Statement: John Coutinho for Select Board

Over the last many years, residents of Hopkinton, through their elected representatives, have worked together to build our amazing community. Past and present members of all our elected and appointed committees have volunteered countless hours to make Hopkinton the special place it is today.

Our schools are second to none. We must protect them!

Our town is the safest community to live and work in Massachusetts. We must protect our public safety departments!

Our municipal finances are in excellent shape. We must protect our taxpayers during these unprecedented times!

I am seeking my third term on the Select Board to maintain this stability using my vast experience as we weather the current storm together. The financial crisis caused by the COVID-19 shutdown necessitates strong leadership able to make critical budget decisions based on solid municipal finance experience. We must keep teachers in front of our children, and police, fire and DPW personnel on the streets without over-burdening the taxpayers.

My municipal experience began 12 years ago in 2008 being appointed to the Zoning Advisory Committee (ZAC), sitting as Chair for 10 years and currently sitting as Vice Chair. In 2012 I was voted onto the Planning Board. I was Elected to the Select Board in 2014 and re-elected again in 2017. Working with colleagues across the community I have actively participated and led efforts to balance 6 budgets during my tenure on the Select Board.

This new fiscal challenge is enormous. There is absolutely no time for a learning curve. Sound municipal finance experience on the Select Board is critical to protect our schools, our citizens and all that has been achieved!

You may request a mail-in ballot at or vote safely in person on June 29 th at the Middle School polls. Please Vote John Coutinho for The Select Board.

For more information go to:

Thank You!
John Coutinho

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