Candidate Statement: Jon Graziano

My name is Jon Graziano, and I am running for School Committee. My wife, Erin, and I moved to Hopkinton two years ago. As the parents of three young children (ages 6, 4 and 1), one of the primary reasons we were attracted to the town was the school system, and our experience so far has validated that decision. Over the past year I have been the Appropriations Committee liaison to the School Committee. This role has enabled me to see and appreciate not only the reasons why our schools perform so well compared to other school districts, but also the unprecedented challenges our town faces to maintain our high standards in tight financial times.

The strategic plan addresses our goals to enable Hopkinton to continue to be a leader in 21st-century learning, but those goals, along with unfunded state mandates to move to a common core curriculum, create additional financial pressure.

Our facilities need repairs in order to maintain a quality learning environment. While the most obvious need is a permanent solution to Center School, the 2013 school budget reflects that many of our other buildings also need immediate attention.

At the moment, the most significant challenge facing the School Committee is to craft a fiscally responsible budget that keeps Hopkinton’s schools at the level we have all come to expect without unreasonable increases to taxes or student fees.

I am a graduate of Boston College with 10 years of professional business experience including management, financial planning, process improvement and innovation. I believe that my experience, coupled with my passion to keep Hopkinton’s schools strong, will help me bring new ideas and new solutions to the School Committee.

Our schools continue to hire and retain talented, dedicated teachers and administrators. The citizens of Hopkinton have a passion for the schools as well as for the town overall. It’s a great place to live and to raise a family. I would consider it a privilege to serve on the School Committee and help ensure that our children continue to receive the type of education that makes our schools the envy of other towns. I respectfully request your support and your vote at the town election on May 21st.

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