Capital Improvements Committee Vacancy Notice

The Town of Hopkinton seeks residents who are interested in serving on the Capital Improvement Committee.

The Capital Improvement Committee operates under a by-law adopted by Town Meeting in 1995. Its purpose is to deliberate and make recommendations on capital expenditure projections of the Town for fiveyear, ten-year, and longer periods.

The committee consists of five (5) members who must be registered voters of the Town; three who are appointed by the Board of Selectmen for a five year term and two who are appointed by the Moderator. The vacancy is a Board of Selectmen appointee. No one can be appointed to the Committee who is also a Town official (elected or appointed), or a Town employee.

Full details concerning the Capital Improvement Committee can be found in the General Bylaws Chapter 5.

Interested residents should apply via the online volunteer form at Residents may also apply by submitting a letter of interest to Maria Glynn, Executive Assistant, Town Manager’s Office, 18 Main St., Hopkinton, MA 01748.

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