Career Transition Program at HPD

The Hopkinton Police Department will be hosting a program to assist Veterans seeking a career in law enforcement. The program will be delivered by members of the Hopkinton Police Department, Human Resource Professionals and members of the Veterans Services. Hopkinton residency is not a requirement for participation in this program.

Over several sessions the program will cover:

Identifying job opportunities at the federal, state, county and local levels.
Application through selection process preparation.
Testing processes
Civil Service
Non-Civil Service
Application preparation
Resume and cover letter preparation
Importance of aligning position description with qualifications
Identifying transferable skills
Interview preparation
Common questions and what they are attempting to elicit
Appearance – dressing professionally
Communicating transferable skills and examples
Elevator Speech preparation
Mock interviews
What to expect after the job offer

Upon completion of the program participants will have an understanding of the law enforcement officers hiring process and what they can do to land that job.

Class will be held: Tuesday and Thursday

June 11-27, 2019 (6pm -9pm)

Hopkinton Police Department.

To register or for more information email Deputy Chief Joseph Bennett at Seats are limited!

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