Cestari Says Scordino Knows How to Get It Done

Dear Editor:

I have been watching the School Committee race closely and was compelled to put pen to paper on a few issues for taxpayers to consider before they vote.

There have been whispers suggesting Ellen is too ‘busy’ to serve our town. Nonsense! We all know when something needs to be done, ask a busy person! Successful ‘busy’ people know how to prioritize, delegate and execute as appropriate. They know how to GET IT DONE.

My family is busy. Ann & I both work. We have 3 school-aged kids. We travel often and we have a very large extended family, requiring time and effort. We both have aging parents with health issues, requiring still more time. And yet, we get it all done.

And I note: nobody ever said I was too ‘busy’ to be a Selectman.

On the issue of qualifications: clearly, our country and towns need volunteers to work at their best. I commend Ellen’s opponent for her acts of volunteerism. Make no mistake, however: prior volunteerism does not qualify one as the best candidate. Volunteers, in general, are a tactical solution – not a strategic one.

Ellen, on the other hand, is a strategist, a negotiator, a collaborator, a leader – a qualified candidate – with all the skills we need in this next School Committee member.

Please join us and vote for Ellen Scordino on May 20; this is a critical race, it will be tight and we need your vote.

Thank you.
Todd A. Cestari

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