Todd Cestari, current Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, confirmed in a phone interview that he will be seeking re-election to the board in May.
With many of the nationwide problems of three years ago still present, and affecting local government and making things fiscally difficult, Cestari says he hopes to maintain the fiscal discipline put in place by the Board during his three year tenure.
“We are lucky to have a board that will work collaboratively and I want to continue to be part of that,” said Cestari.
Cestari is most proud of the current board’s track record of maintaining fiscal responsibility; keeping taxes low and, maintaining a decent level of services in public safety, road maintenance and schools, but says that maintaining the balance is a juggling act.
Top priorities for Cestari, if re-elected, include continuing to work on current issues, many of which still stand from his last campaign.
“We haven’t failed; we’re making progress, but there’s more to be done,” said Cestari.
Looking forward Cestari says he would like to keep the budget down to respectful levels and to investigate regionalization possibilities where appropriate. According to Cestari, some of these efforts are already underway with the Board of Health and the town is seeking funding for a study to look at regionalization of Hopkinton’s Fire Department with Ashland. While not committed to that at this time, Cestari says he would like to find out what it looks like. He also looks forward to continuing to work with the School Committee and says that he feels there is a healthy tension between the committee and his board, but feels that’s required to protect both the town’s schools and its taxpayers.
Cestari also talked about the town’s shift to the town manager form of government, saying it was a big adjustment for Hopkinton, but that he feels that the Board of Selectmen is finally realizing its role.
“The board is now looking more to strategic issues” said Cestari. “Building plans and tying them together to benefit the town in the long run.”
With respect to his role as chairman of the board, Cestari says it’s a big role, but it’s been rewarding.
“It was humbling to be elected the first time,” said Cestari, “but serving on the board has given me a better view of what’s going on. Serving as chair brings it home even more.”
Cestari has already pulled his nomination papers from the Town Clerk’s office, but has yet to start collecting signatures. He will run once again as an Independent and vows to continue to cast his vote for the good of the entire community.