Clean-Up Day Postponed until May 3rd

Spring has arrived! Mother Nature has pulled back the blanket of snow and the Hawk’s Nest Community Garden is finally visible. With that said, winter has taken its toll on the Hawk’s Nest and it needs some attention! This spring, our goal is to implement phase two of the garden project, which includes installing rain barrels, composting bins, designing a garden sculpture, purchasing tools, and year two of planting: needless to say, there is a lot of work to accomplish!
This year students will be taking on a majority of this work and classrooms will be responsible for planting, maintaining, and installing new garden features. To kick off this work, Hopkins is hosting a Hawk’s Nest garden clean up, now scheduled for Saturday, May 3rd, from 8:30 to 10:30. We’re asking for volunteers to help with spreading mulch, tilling the soil, installing the rain barrels and compost bins, and building a “Hawk’s Nest” out of twigs and sticks. If your family is willing to help for an hour, or two, we are asking families to sign up; this will help us plan the event and estimate the number of volunteers. If this date change alters your availability, please let us know by completing the sign-up form.

Sign Up Form.

Hawk’s Nest Web Site.

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