We will be starting on Hayden Rowe and working our way South and then East via Chestnut starting in the Briarcliff area working toward Alprilla Farm. After that section is complete, we will send out a notice and begin to head through the Springwood development. As this is going to be a major flushing effort and we could encounter unforeseen issues, we are not sure how far we are going to make it each day. Because the daily flushing will be all in the general vicinity, there is a chance there could be discoloration on several days and not just as we are in specific neighborhoods. For that reason this time around it would be best to check your water on a daily basis. We will send out notice once the project is completed and In the future we can conduct shorter, more definitive maintenance flushing that will be less disruptive and easier to predict timing.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience with this important project.