Voters of Hopkinton,
It has come to our attention that there were instructions mailed with some of the first round of mail-in ballots that have deadlines on them from the past state primary. Fewer than 200 voters, of the more than 5600 voters who have already requested a ballot by mail, would have received these in error. Please be assured that this has no effect on your ballots or your ability to vote by mail for the coming November Election.
Please see these correct deadlines relating to submission of mail-in/absentee ballots:
-If you return your ballot by drop box/in-person, it must be returned no later than 8 p.m. EST on November 3, 2020.
-If you return your ballot by mail from inside the United States, it must be postmarked by November 3, 2020 and must be received in this office no later than November 6, 2020.
If you return your ballot by mail from outside the United States, it must be postmarked by November 3, 2020 and received in this office no later than November 13, 2020.
Connor B. Degan
Town Clerk,