Dear All:
Last night, the Select Board asked staff to share the attached history of the Main Street Corridor Project outreach and public input efforts.
From its beginnings in 2003 with the Voices for Vision Brainstorming Session and the creation of the Downtown Revitalization Committee, what is now the Main Street Corridor Project has gone through many revisions and changes over the years as it now approaches a final solution.
A list of major milestones, including the creation of multiple committees, public and town board meetings, consultant reports, and community outreach events have been compiled to show the significant effort made to involve the Hopkinton community in the plans for the project.
Public forums held to provide project updates and to gather resident input are highlighted in yellow. Project updates provided to town committees, including the Select Board and Planning Board are listed and information related to Town Meeting articles are also highlighted.
In summary, the long list of milestones represents the effort of many committees, individuals, and town staff to move the project forward toward a final solution that addresses aspects of each of the three transportation goals laid out in the Town’s Master Plan adopted in April 2017:
Improve and maintain the existing transportation system to provide adequate service to accommodate future growth;
Provide alternatives to automobile transportation including bicycle and pedestrian facilities and networks; and
Improve public safety by addressing problematic and hazardous intersections.
And at the same time, offering opportunities for the public to stay involved, learn about the project, and to provide input critical for its success.
Norman Khumalo
Town Manager
Town of Hopkinton