Community Notice: New Year Reminders from the Town Clerk’s Office

Hello Neighbors,

I wanted to remind everyone of a few things to remember at the start of the New Year:

First, dog licenses now need to be renewed for the 2019 calendar year. 2018 licenses expired on December 31, 2018 so make sure you get your pup licensed before a late fee of $25 is assessed on April 1st. All we need is a rabies vaccination certificate and the applicable fee(s) and we will be able to issue the new license. Any residents over the age of 70 will have their licensing fee waived, but they must still license their dog(s) as the late fee cannot be waived. Please feel free to make your payment online, in person, or mail it in with your census.

That brings us to the next reminder, our 2019 Annual Census will be out in your mail boxes soon. Please make any changes and send those back to us or drop them off at Town Hall as soon as possible to ensure you and your family are updated. Please ensure you list all residents, including minors, any information collected on minors under the age of 17 is not public record but is still needed. The census collects population data that assists Town Departments in applying for grant funding and allows us to better track how we can improve services to the Town and its residents while also maintaining current voter registration information.

Finally, nomination papers for elected Town officers will be available in the Town Clerk’s Office on January 22, 2019. Those interested in seeking to volunteer for elected office in the May 20th Annual Town Election should inquire with the Town Clerk’s Office about the process.

For any questions please call us at (508) 497-9710, email us at, or stop by so we can help!


Connor B. Degan

Your Town Clerk

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