In an effort to ensure that both property owners/abutters and the general public are kept up to date with the progress of the Main Street Corridor Project, a list of recently completed project tasks and next steps are outlined below. In addition, please note the Select Board will meet on Tuesday, February 25, 2020 to discuss the next steps in the easement acquisition process. At the meeting the Select Board will be asked to vote on two items; the offer letter template that will be mailed to abutters post meeting and the total amount of compensation for easements on the Project.
Recently Completed Project Tasks:
● 100% Design Plans were submitted to MassDOT on February 3, 2020.
● Held meeting with Fire and Police to discuss emergency preparedness, traffic management, and potential schedule for construction operations.
● Reviewed various properties to lessen impacts of project: 25-35 and 77 Main.
● Reviewed new utility aerial mounts and associated property impacts.
● Continued to coordinate with utility companies on utility design.
● Reduced sign clutter by minimizing on-street parking signage (provide signs only where parking limited to 10-minutes) and placing street signs on street light poles where possible.
● Final Appraisals were delivered to MassDOT’s Community Compliance Officer on February 14, 2020. It is anticipated they will receive final approval prior to the Select Board Meeting on February 25th.
Next Steps:
● On Tuesday, February 25, 2020, the Select Board will meet to review the offer letter that will be sent to abutters. This letter includes the amount of compensation abutters will receive for easements and instructions and requirements to receive payment. Anyone with questions or seeking additional information about the project’s next steps is encouraged to attend the Select Board meeting. If unable to attend in person, the meeting will be broadcast live by HCAM-TV via Comcast and Verizon and via HCAM’s YouTube channel. Visit for a list of upcoming live streams.
● Offer letters mailed to property owners – tentative target date of February 28, 2020. Property owners have 30-days to consider offer letters, ask questions and seek clarification. Town will actively seek out face-face contact with property owners to answer any questions.
● Next Select Board meeting when action is to be taken for the easement acquisition process is April 7th, 2020. A Press Release will be sent out prior to that meeting which will include information on the actions to be taken at that time.
For additional information or questions regarding the Main Street Corridor Project, please contact Town Engineer David Daltorio, P.E. at or 508-497-9740.