Our water system received notification of PFAS6 results showing that our system violated the 20 ng/L PFAS6 Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) drinking water standard during the October – December 2021 compliance period with a quarterly average of 26 ng/L at the Fruit St. Pump Station. The quarterly average of PFAS6 has ranged between 22 and 26 ng/L since Quarter 3, 2021 to date and our system will continue to notify consumers every 3 months with updated information as required.
Samples collected on October 7, 2021, November 4, 2021, and December 1, 2021, reported levels of PFAS6 at 28.6, 25.1 ng/L and 25.5 ng/L, respectively. Exceedance of the MCL has been determined from these results. Compliance with the PFAS6 MCL is calculated as a quarterly average based upon the total number of samples collected during the compliance period. The location where elevated levels of PFAS6 were reported is from one of five facilities (including the Ashland Interconnection) that supplies drinking water to our system. PFAS6 levels were reported below the MCL at our other locations.
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