Community Notice: Visioning Team for the Elmwood School Replacement Project

Good afternoon Hopkinton Community:

As you are likely aware, the District is working with the Massachusetts School Building Authority, the MSBA, on a project that will determine whether to renovate or replace Hopkinton’s Elmwood School and to decide if it will become a grade 2-3 school or a grade 2-3-4 school.

The MSBA has clearly defined phases of work, and our project is currently in what is known as “Feasibility.” It’s an exciting time, as we will be making important decisions about the fate of the Elmwood School! In order to hear the voices of our community, we are soliciting interested people to join our “Visioning Team.”

Please consider the google form (Link Below) to be your statement of interest to serve on the Visioning Team for the Elmwood School Replacement Project. Once selected, Visioning Team Members will meet two or three times for what might be as long as three-hour sessions. The work will likely begin in late October/early November.

We anticipate that there will be many people interested in participating in this work, and unfortunately, we may not be able to invite everyone who applies. Nevertheless, we encourage anyone who is interested in the project to apply, as we are hoping to get a nice cross-section of people. To that end, we ask that interested people complete this brief survey. If you are selected to participate, we will reach out to you with additional information. Once again, the work will begin some time around November 1, 2022.

We thank you in advance for your willingness to help the School District and Community with this meaningful work.

Carol Cavanaugh

Google Form at below link:…

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