Community Notice: Water Restrictions due to Water Tank Demolition

The Town Water & Sewer Manager Eric Carty has sent out the following message regading water use restrictions. The smaller water tank on Grove Street will be drained prior to demolition next month, this will temporarily affect the available water supply. See more below.

“Please be advised that the water department has stopped the refill process and allowed the smaller water tank on Grove St. to drain in preparation for demolition next month. This work needs to take place while school is out of session for the summer. As a result, we will be losing 320,000 gallons of storage at a time when demand is usually at its peak. It is IMPERATIVE that EVERYONE follows the twice per week water use restrictions that are in place and can be found here. This includes no lawn watering on Saturday, Sunday or Mondays. It is of the upmost importance that everyone adheres to restrictions, to ensure proper storage levels for essential daily needs and for fire protection.

With the beneficial rains that we have been receiving for several weeks now, sprinkler systems should not even need to be in use. We need to start the mindset of leaving them in the off position and only turning them on when absolutely necessary. We still see systems running before, during and after rain storms as they are left in the on/automatic position. It is only with EVERYONE’S hands on approach to this situation, that will help reduce the chances of further restrictions.

We thank you for your continued cooperation in this important matter.”

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