We have seen a dramatic rise in temperatures and along with that an almost 50% increase in water use. With very little rain and recharge, that use is unsustainable. We would like to remind everyone of our current water use restrictions of two days per week for sprinklers and no sprinklers on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday. Along with that, all other non-essential use is only allowed before 9AM and after 5PM. Please see the link for specific details. https://www.hopkintonma.gov/news_detail_T7_R126.php
Thankfully we had some rain last night and 1″ or more is expected this weekend. All Sprinklers should be in the OFF position as mother nature will be providing the watering.
It is only with full compliance that we will be able to maintain a safe and adequate supply of water for fire fighting and daily essential needs. We thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.
Additional Notice: Due to a fire last night (5-26) and the need to utilize fire hydrants, there could be residual discoloration throughout the system.