Conservation Commission – June 23, 2014

The conservation commission met Monday, June 23rd, to discuss a number of projects with environmental significance around town.

In informal discussion, Ed Harrow met to discuss sediment buildup at the end of the White Oaks Estates subdivision. He requested a structure be built at the end of the street similar to that on Ralph Road. He expressed concern that sediment buildup at the end of White Oaks Estate is flooding the area and damaging the ecosystem.

Two other informal hearings were held. The first concerned Phase II of the development of the Center Trail. Mr. Lavoie wanted to get the Commission’s approval of his plan for the path, after proving that the way he proposed along a field would be a much better route than through the forest. The Commission agreed and stated their support for the project. The second concerned a proposed road extending the Parkwood Drive cul-de-sac to run alongside Route 495. The Commission heard the beginning thoughts and saw examples of how the road could be extended with minimal disturbance to the wetlands.

The other hearings were for 0 Tammer Lane & 215 Ash St, 87 Wood St, Legacy Farms, and MetroWest YMCA.The 0 Tammer Lane hearing concerned the amount of wetland around the property. A consultant presented before the board and stated that much of the land in question is stagnant water full of beaver impoundments, but the board expressed concerns that there might be more activity and flowing water than was observed by the consultant. They suggested that a member of the board walk the site with the consultant to further investigate the amount of wetland and level of stagnation on the property.

At 87 Wood St, contractors for the development of the old Quitt property. Though the meeting was only to discuss work on one lot, concern was raised by the board over construction on the others lots. The Commission asked Mr. Aho, the site owner, to submit plans for the entire property and not just the lot in question, so they could properly assess the work with regard to wetland proximity.

The Conservation Commission also heard from Legacy Farms LLC on their plans to install a walking path around their development. They then saw the MetroWest YMCA to discuss their widening of a drive into wetlands without the consultation of the Commission.
The next Conservation Commission meeting is scheduled for July 14th.

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