Cournoyer Receives Severance

Details of former principal Mike Cournoyer’s resignation have been released by Superintendent Dr. Cathy MacLeod. Put on leave of absence effective September 19, Cournoyer’s resignation was announced on Friday, November 1.

In an email received tonight by HCAM News, MacLeod provided the financial details of the amount of the severance for Mr. Cournoyer and the cost to the district.

“The amount that was originally budgeted for the high school administratrion is $239,788,” wrote MacLeod. “This amount was budgeted to cover the cost of the principal and two assistant principals. The actual amount expended will be $244,151.89, a difference of 4,363.89. This includes a severance of $54,310.20 for Mr. Cournoyer to be paid at regular pay periods until the end of January.

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